Cooling Conveyors
The Cooling Conveyors perform a vital function of carrying freshly baked loaves from the oven to be promptly cooled down, ensuring their optimal quality and texture. These conveyors have the added flexibility of being customizable in length to best suit the space available on-site. Once cooled, the bread is ready to be packaged and delivered to customers, perfectly preserved in its deliciousness.
- Noisless and frictionless
- High quality food-grade modular plastic
- Square shafts with self centering
- High mechanical properties plastic multi sprockets
- Aluminum straight conveyor's chassis
- Stainless or coated steel curve conveyor’s chassis
- Fixation either on ground or hanged to the ceiling
- vfds to adjust the cooling conveyors' speed.
- External electric control panel to be mounted on wall.
- Different models exist as shown in the chart below.