
Automatic Dough Divider

The dough divider is designed to divide the dough into equal dough balls shape and weight with regularity in distance. It receives the dough mixture into the stainless steel hopper and extrudes it out to be cut precisely and consecutively through a stainless steel cutter to be delivered later to primary proofer.



  • High performance electro-pneumatic dividing system
  • stainless steel cutting blades
  • Aluminum spiral shafts to push the dough out 
  • Flour collecting trays from all sides
  • Multi stainless steel scraper motorized bowl
  • Pressing cylinder and flour sifters
  • Hinged doors for easy access and maintenance
  • Digital counter for divider's speed
  • motorized weight selector
  • Photo-sensors and interchangeable rings for precise dough balls weight control
  • Food-grade quality felt belt with centering guides to keep the belt on track
  • Moving parts of the hopper covered by SS sheets
  • Two vfds to control the speed of the machine installed in a ventilated box  
  • Upgraded electric panel : full easy service and maintenance
  • Different models exist as shown in the below chart.